PEO Companies In India | PEO Companies | PEO Outsourcing Services
professional employer organization

What we do

  • Our services are customizable and flexible to suit your needs.
  • We provide end to end HR solutions which include hiring and managing employees in India as per the compliance regulations. This is made possible seamlessly at very short notices without additional burden of an establishment Cost.
  • We become your legal Employer on Record while you focus on growing your company
  • You manage the employees’ day to day while we are responsible for their statutory, Payroll & other benefits.
  • At Easy Source, our services are not limited only to resolving queries, managing employees statutory and payroll administration and compliance etc. but in exceeding client expectations.

Activities involved in the Process

Recruitment & Hiring

We partner with you to help you identify the right fit and recruit the candidate within the stipulated TAT.

Onboarding Process

Our well planned Employee Induction program enables the employee to make a seamless landing in the organization to become efficient and effective employees.

Payroll Management

Error free and compliant calculations of Employee salaries, Incentives, Bonuses, Tax deductions, and Net pay is facilitated. The client also has access to multiple reporting and analysis tools.

Benefits Management

We manage benefits such as Insurance, Health, and Accident etc. and ensure the best available plans for your employees as per your requirements and budgets. As an outsourcing partner to multiple organizations, we have access to better benefits packages at competitive prices. This ensures that you and the employees can enjoy better retirement and health plans at an affordable price.

Reimbursement Management

We help you manage all aspects of Employees’ expense claims from start to finish. These include Mobile, Travel, Telephone, etc.

Asset Management

We handle Asset management for all assets including laptops, Tablets, Data Cards, Mobile Phones to Safety equipment, PPE, Tools Kits, etc. This ensures the employee is work ready in the fastest turnaround time.

Full and Final Settlement

We ensure a seamless F&F procedure that includes Un-paid salary, Non-Availed Leaves & Bonus, Deductions if any, Asset handing over, etc.


  • Savings of establishment costs at a foreign location. This mode is the fastest way to enter into a new market and try hands at newer business opportunities.
  • Mitigation of risks of your company & intellectual property.
  • Streamlined processes managed by experts lead the clients to enjoy mental peace.
benefits administration